{ rené.winkelmeyer }

File Navigator 1.0.5 - upcoming features

Sep 12, 2010
2 minutes

As I’ve blogged a some weeks (or months ago) the new File Navigator release is very near.

Up to 90% are done and the tests are ongoing. Several people have asked me about the new features, so here is a list (there are some features but although some bug fixes).

ENHANCED - Context menu items are shown/hidden by selection (to shorten the current context menu) NEW - Properties dialog for files and folders NEW - Unzip functionality when dropping attachements NEW - Zip/Unzip menu items in the context menu for zip/unzip NEW - Replace dialog with different options (operating system behaviour) NEW - Additional languages (Norwegian / Slovenian) NEW / FIX - Favorite folders/Desktop can’t be deleted FIX - No more loops if folders are droppend into themselve FIX - Copy & Paste of the same file whithin the same directory isn’t any more possible

Apparently there is one new feature which isn’t finished yet - but I want to have it in the new release.

I’ve added some new actions to the “Attachement” context menu in Notes. There I’ll provide actions to save/save and delete the (selected) items to the current selected folder or to the favorite folders.


That’s a kind of workaround for the missing drag’n’drop support of multiple files within the Expeditor framework.

Work in progress…