{ rené.winkelmeyer }

Speaking at engage.ug - Moving from Java 6 to Java 8

Feb 29, 2016
1 minute

It’s speaking season. And it’s engage.ug - the largest ICS User Group meeting in Europe.

This time I’ll be speaking about a - in my opinion - very important topic for any developer that does Java development. Especially in the ICS space. As IBM has announced last year (and re-announced at IBM Connect in February) they’ll make concurrency updates to the IBM J9 JVM. Finally they are moving from Java 6 to Java 8. That brings great enhancements to a developers life.

Get ready for moving from Java 6 to Java 8 - Now

With the recently announced upgrades from Java 6 to Java 8 the IBM Notes client and the IBM Domino server are finally moving to a competitive development stack. The importance of this upgrade for XPages and OSGi plug-ins is incontestable. Learn in this session what changes you can expect when moving from Java 6 to Java 8. Switch-with-string, parallel operations, Lambdas, Stream API, multiple inheritance or a complete new Date/Time package are only a few changes to name. Your developer life will get easier, better, faster after adapting the new capabilities.

And if you’re not a developer… well, engage.ug has a great agenda for every taste. You can register here - for free! I look forward to meet YOU!