{ rené.winkelmeyer }

Developers - put your thinking hat on - the 43. DNUG conference is happening on June 1+2 in Hamburg

Mar 15, 2016
2 minutes

If you’re a developer and want to speak at one of the worlds oldest ICS related User Groups it’s time to put your thinking hat on. The German Notes User Group (DNUG, obviously not only about “only” Notes anymore) has opened it’s call for abstracts.

What is it about?

I’m running the development track for the conference with Niklas Heidloff, Andreas Rosen and Jochen Priess. We’re looking forward to your highly technical content. Here is a personal list of things that I’d love to hear about in the development track:

  • Collaborative applications using cutting edge IBM technology
  • All about APIs and 3rd party integration with ICS
  • Modern web development approaches
  • Architecture - cloud, hybrid, security
  • Developer productivity

This list is for sure incomplete. Don’t feel yourself bound to it. As more abstracts we get as better the conference will be.

You’ve never spoken before at an event?

No problem - we all started at some point. I can still recall how I felt at my first public speaking (which was at UKLUG in 2009, doing it in English didn’t help to put suppress my nervousness). Ping me if you need advice, help, mentoring, co-speaker or just want to discuss an idea. We’ll find a way to make you shine on stage.

And who knows, maybe it’s your starting point for becoming an IBM Champion!

You can submit your abstract here, deadline is April 10th.

Btw: The language you speak doesn’t matter, either German and English will do it. ;-)