EntwicklerCamp 2009 - Day 3
Today was the very last day of the EntwicklerCamp 2009. Besides the opportunity to visit two more tracks it was the last time to make a deep dive into some very interesting development discussions.
Development of an java server addin task Andy Brunner, who developed a free available addin task to collect POP3 mail into Domino, showed up how to develop such a task. Very cool stuff. With just some few lines of code (without the java logic) you can build your own addin task very fast. And as you can access both worlds - pure java and Domino java - you can almost do anything. In example it breaks up the “5 minute” limitation of agent runs… I hope to find some spare time for testing this…
Workflow - correct analyse As one part of my job is developing and the other part is process consulting I visited the track of Christian Habermüller. He showed up the way how to analyze a ‘real world workflow’ with your customers. A good track with a lot of things I already knew (besides: I’m a process consultant so I should know such things).
After the lunch break the closing session was held by Andrew Pollack und his way to use HASHes. Real good stuff. As I use lists for a lot of stuff within Domino (the fastest way, because it is ‘in-memory-processing’) some of this looked quite familiar to me. Maybe I’ll post a nice SnTT about lists in the next time.