IBM Lotus Traveler High Availability in a nutshell
The time will come when the facts about IBM Lotus Traveler High Availability will be published. I’ll speak about them in 2 1/2 weeks. IBM has lifted my Design Partner NDA for the Italian Lotus User Group event, known as Dominopoint.
Here is the abstract for my session:
IBM Lotus Traveler High Availability in a nutshell
High Availability for IBM Lotus Traveler is a long awaited feature. The big questions are: What can we expect from this new feature? And what will change? This session will lead you through all points of Traveler HA. We start with infrastructure and licensing considerations, are going to the setup steps and will finish with the administration interface. Come to this session how you can implement HA in your environment.
I’m really eager to present this stuff, which is currently non-official, as I really believe that this will give in some customer enviromenments a bigger push for IBM Lotus Traveler. Plus: it helps to settle IBM Lotus Domino. I’m not able to tell you more about that stuff now. You can come to Italy (Milano in fact) or wait to see my presentation afterwards on Slideshare.